Welcome, I’m glad you’re here!
I understand how difficult it can be to feel the need for extra support, and taking the first steps towards greater health and wholeness are often the hardest. Vulnerability during difficult times makes finding an appropriate guide you feel aligned with all the more important. Ideally, this guide would also have direct experience in the territory you’re with struggling and reliable methods for guiding others through it.
I provide Mindfulness-based, Trauma-informed Counseling for Individuals. Below you will find information about the benefits clients may find by working with me, my therapeutic approach, and my focus on Men’s work. I encourage you to contact me with questions and/or to schedule a complimentary consultation to better assess our working relationship
I believe that we all have an innate capacity for health that becomes obscured by the distress of challenging life experiences. As such, my work is focused on guiding clients in cultivating the tools to skillfully recover from their distress. Since clients build the tools, and learn how to use them, the work becomes ingrained into them, and the benefits continue to unfold well beyond the counseling room.
Regardless of their entry point, clients typically experience greater acceptance and ease in their situation after beginning counseling. Over time, clients learn to discover the root causes of their issues while also feeling empowered to make the necessary changes to heal.
• Greater sexual health •
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
-Jon Kabat-Zinn
“Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.”
-Stephen Porges
“The propensity to make strong emotional bonds to particular individuals [is] a basic component of human nature.”
-John Bowlby
Both, Polyvagal and Attachment theories explain the mechanisms of trauma and suffering on a neurophysiological and interpersonal level. Together, these theories create a compassionate framework that normalizes uncontrollable fight/flight/shutdown responses, affirms the roots of suffering, and reveals the path of healing through safety and relationship.
The work always begins where my clients begin. With gentle and paced guidance, my clients and I take steps to contact and organize their experience. As this capacity grows over time, clients begin to find more acceptance for the vulnerable and hidden parts of themselves alongside greater clarity and self knowledge. As acceptance expands, fulfillment and intimacy with self and other naturally arises.
I focus on working with Men who are ready to fear less and feel more.
Men whose high stress is keeping them out of balance, inside and out.
Men whose fear of failure and insecurity thrives despite their many successes.
Historically, men have been encouraged to be stoic, self-reliant, and emotionally suppressed. While beneficial in some areas, this cultural conditioning often leads to a disconnection between the mind and the body. This disconnect makes it challenging for men to access and express their emotions fully, which in turn inhibits healthy relationship with self and other.
Mindful emotional work recognizes the interconnectedness of the body and mind and emphasizes the importance of incorporating the body in the healing process. Waking up the body is the first step in overcoming this harmful conditioning.
Lets overcome this tragedy of conditioning together. Together, lets repair our relationship with self and other. I encourage you to take this difficult step into your vulnerability and emotional warriorship.
I am a first generation Sicilian American (He/him), born and raised in New York. A series of fortunate and less than fortunate events led me to the path of healing over 15 years ago and I have been a devoted student of Lineage based Mind/Body disciplines ever since. I live simply, applying my studies and experiential discoveries to the daily activities of life.
Professionally, I am a private practice Counselor in Boulder, Colorado. I hold a Masters degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University, where I continue to teach as a Mindfulness Instructor. In addition to private practice, I have served the community as a Crisis counselor by working in a 24/7 clinic and hospital setting, and alongside Law Enforcement as a co-responder. My professional trainings include Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), Addictions (CAC), Trauma, Crisis Intervention, Suicide Intervention (ASIST), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Sex Therapy, and Mindfulness Instruction. To ensure both the effectiveness of and my skill in the modalities I offer, I have personally experienced them as a client in support of my ongoing process of cultivating health and wholeness.
My mission is to support the fullest expression of well-being in all people through the continual study, practice, and application of effective therapeutic methods.